Archive for July 2nd, 2010

popbot – ashley wood

July 2, 2010











July 2, 2010








interview: batwoman elegy – j. h. williams III

July 2, 2010








Click on any of the images here to read the quite extensive interview with J. H. Williams III originally published on CBR. 


I was sent some original art from this artist. There are two things to say about this:

1. The art is amazing (you knew this… but more amazing than that, even). The most ordinary things are drawn with more care than could be thought possible.

2. The whole art sending thing was beautifully and efficiently done. In life, as in art. 


armenia – ara oshagan

July 2, 2010












bill watterson

July 2, 2010


















cover: red seas – clint langley

July 2, 2010






Via the 2000Ad covers blog.
